  • 13 Jun 2024
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Article summary

Network Gateway Setup Overview

Architecture Overview

Architecture Overview

A Network Gateway deployment consists of the following services:

  • One or more Radix Nodes, in their Full Node configuration, with the transaction endpoint of the Core API enabled.

  • A single[1] (Network Gateway) Data Aggregator.

  • A PostgreSQL Database

  • One or more (Network Gateway) Gateway APIs

These services may be spread between one or more hosts, depending on the deployment approach.

Choosing the right setup

For any setup used in production, we would recommend full stack redundancy - running two stacks in parallel - a production stack, and a backup stack. The backup stack can be swapped to if the production stack hits any issues.

At update time, the backup stack can be updated first as a trial, and then swapped out with the production stack, which can then be upgraded.

Depending on your use case, we recommend different setups:

Local development/testing

If you just want to try running a stack, without needing it fully synced, you may run a full stack locally following the Local Development deployment approach tab below. This may cause your machine to run slowly, and will take a long time to fully sync. It runs Network Gateway services and PostgreSQL database as docker containers.

If you require working against a fully synced Gateway, we recommend creating a cloud hosted deployment of the whole stack, and developing against that. See the Internal-facing, low-medium traffic tab for more details.

Internal-facing, low-medium traffic

For low-medium traffic levels (10-50 Gateway API requests per second, depending on database host and request type), deploying a single copy of each service should be sufficient (with a whole parallel stack for production redundancy).

  • If sluggish system performance during sync is acceptable, you can attempt running a full stack on a single, well-provisioned host. For host requirements, see the Single Host tab below.

  • The first optimization we’d recommend is having a separate host for the Gateway Database, ideally a managed PostgreSQL database service. This reduces IO contention between the full node and the Gateway. For host requirements, see the Single Host with separate DB tab below.

  • You can also achieve this by running the full node on one host, and the rest of the Gateway stack (including the PostgreSQL database) on a second host. For host requirements, see the Dual Host tab below.

  • For best performance, we’d recommend deploying the full node onto one host, the stateless Gateway services onto a second host, and use an additional dedicated database host, or managed database service. For host requirements, see Dual Host with separate DB tab below.

For the deployment approach, you can consider the CLI (recommended) or Custom options, in tabs below.

High traffic

For high traffic (> 50 Gateway API requests per second), scalable or public-facing loads, we recommend a setup using kubernetes or any other high availability scalable orchestration.

This would include:

  • Two full nodes

  • A single data aggregator

  • A dedicated host or replica set for the PostgreSQL database

  • An auto-scaling group of Gateway APIs behind a load balancer

For host requirements of the pods, see the Kubernetes tab below.

For the deployment approach, see the Custom option, in a tab below.

Host Requirements

Whatever your setup, we’d also recommend deploying the Grafana / Monitoring stack, which should be deployed onto a separate host.

Single Host

  • This setup runs both CORE and GATEWAY on the same machine. This setup is not recommended as it creates IO contention, resulting in a slower ledger sync. Instead, it is recommended to use another deployment option.

  • For optimal performance, we’d recommend running PostgreSQL using systemd or using a separate database on a dedicated host. If run in a docker image, PostgreSQL has a tendency to consume all available resources, and may make the docker daemon sluggish or unresponsive. This is particularly bad whilst syncing.



Memory (GB)


Network Bandwidth (Gbps)

Operating System




Provision a gp2 storage volume.

You should initially provision 500 GB of SSD space

Up to 10

Ubuntu LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)

Single Host with separate DB




Memory (GB)


Network Bandwidth (Gbps)

Operating System




Provision a gp2 storage volume.

You should initially provision 250 GB of SSD space

Up to 10

Ubuntu LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)

You should initially provision 250 GB of SSD space


See the dedicated Network Gateway service requirements for the suggested Gateway DB requirements.

Dual Host

For optimal performance, we’d recommend running PostgreSQL using systemd or using a separate database on a dedicated host. If run in a docker image, PostgreSQL has a tendency to consume all available resources, and may make the docker daemon sluggish or unresponsive. This is particularly bad whilst syncing.




Memory (GB)


Network Bandwidth (Gbps)

Operating System




Provision a gp2 storage volume.

You should initially provision 250 GB of SSD space

Up to 10

Ubuntu LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)

You should initially provision 250 GB of SSD space




Memory (GB)


Network Bandwidth (Gbps)

Operating System




Provision a gp2 storage volume.

You should initially provision 600 GB of SSD space

Up to 10

Ubuntu LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)

Dual Host with separate DB




Memory (GB)


Network Bandwidth (Gbps)

Operating System




Provision a gp2 storage volume.

You should initially provision 250 GB of SSD space

Up to 10

Ubuntu LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)

You should initially provision 250 GB of SSD space


See the dedicated Network Gateway service requirements. You will want to combine Data Aggregator and Gateway API requirements, as these will be deployed onto the same host. Both of these services are stateless.


See the dedicated Network Gateway service requirements for the suggested Gateway DB requirements.


See the dedicated Network Gateway service requirements for requirements by service / pod.

Deployment Approach

Local Development

If you are looking to run a local system for development of integrations with a Network Gateway, you can see the documentation on running a toy local environment which runs the full stack in docker compose on a single machine.

This setup isn’t designed for production workloads, and so defaults to running against stokenet.


This runs the node and gateway on Ubuntu hosts, with the option of connecting to an external PostgreSQL Database.

See setting up the network gateway using the CLI for more information.

The CLI configures the Gateway with sensible default configuration. If you’d like to have more ability to configure your Gateway, you may need to instead deploy and configure a custom network gateway.

1. For v1, only a single Data Aggregator is supported. In future versions, we hope to add support for allowing deployment of multiple Data Aggregators, which will configure themselves as a primary and 0 or more secondaries, ready for hot failover if required

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