Getting Rust & Scrypto
  • 29 Nov 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Getting Rust & Scrypto

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Article summary

Here you'll find steps for installing the Scrypto toolchain on Linux, macOS and Windows. Troubleshooting suggestions follow after the installation instructions.


The table below shows the compatibility between Scrypto and other tools.


Other versions of LLVM and/or Rust may also work, but are not tested.

Install the Scrypto Toolchain

To begin working with Scrypto, you need to first prepare you system for Rust development. Then you can install the Scrypto Libraries, Radix Engine Simulator (resim) and command line tools from the Radixdlt-Scrypto github repository. There are different steps for Windows, macOS and Linux systems.


1. Install LLVM & Rust compiler

  • Install git by running the git installer for windows

    • Enable git long path support:

      git config --system core.longpaths true
  • Visit the Visual Studio Downloads page:

    • Download "Build Tools for Visual Studio 2022"
    • Once the download is complete, open the downloaded file to run the installer.
    • In the installer, you will see various workloads you can install. Look for "Desktop development with C++".
    • Tick the checkbox next to "Desktop development with C++". This will automatically select all the necessary components for C++ development.
    • After selecting the necessary workload, click the "Install" button at the bottom right of the installer window.
    • Once the installation is complete, you can close the installer.
    • To verify the installation, you can a new Command Prompt or PowerShell window and type cl to check if the C++ compiler (cl.exe) is available.
  • Download and install rustup-init.exe

  • Download and install LLVM from here or check the LLVM GitHub repository to find other versions - be sure to tick the option that adds LLVM to the system PATH

  • Install the required Rust toolchain

    rustup default 1.81.0

2. Enable cargo in the current shell

  • Start a new PowerShell

3. Add WebAssembly target

rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

4. Install Radix Engine Simulator and command-line tools

cargo install --force radix-clis@1.3.0

5. Next Steps

Go to the After Installing Scrypto


1. Install LLVM & Rust compiler

  • Make sure you have the xcode command line tools by running:

    xcode-select --install
  • Install cmake and LLVM


    If you don't already have homebrew installed you will need to follow the instructions here

    brew install cmake llvm
  • Add LLVM to the system path by updating ~/.zshrc and ~/.profile:

    path_update='export PATH="$(brew --prefix llvm)/bin:$PATH"' 
    echo $path_update >> ~/.zshrc && echo $path_update >> ~/.profile
  • Install Rust compiler

    # Replace 1.81.0 with the required version
    curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh -s -- --default-toolchain=1.81.0 

2. Enable cargo in the current shell

source $HOME/.cargo/env

3. Add WebAssembly target

rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

4. Install Radix Engine Simulator and command-line tools

cargo install --force radix-clis@1.3.0

5. Next Steps

Go to the After Installing Scrypto


1. Install LLVM & Rust compiler

  • Make sure a C++ compiler and LLVM is installed:

    sudo apt install clang build-essential llvm
  • Install Rust compiler

    # Replace 1.81.0 with the required version
    curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh -s -- --default-toolchain=1.81.0

2. Enable cargo in the current shell

source $HOME/.cargo/env

3. Add WebAssembly target

rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

4. Install Radix Engine Simulator and command-line tools

cargo install --force radix-clis@1.3.0

5. Next Steps

Go to the After Installing Scrypto



  1. Check your clang version

    clang --version
  2. Check your LLVM/Clang version is compatible with your Rust and Resim versions by looking at the Compatibility Table

  3. Install the appropriate LLVM version from the LLVM GitHub repository.

  4. Reinstall required Rust toolchain

    # Replace 1.81.0 with the required version
    rustup default 1.81.0
  5. Add WebAssembly target

    rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
  6. Install Radix Engine Simulator and command-line tools

    # Replace 1.3.0 with the required version
    cargo install --force radix-clis@1.3.0


Try the following steps:

  1. Define rust stable:

    # Replace 1.81.0 with the required version
    rustup default 1.81.0
  2. Install LLVM 17 using brew:

    # Replace 18 with the required version
    brew install llvm@18
  3. Confirm the Installation Path:

    # Replace 18 with the required version
    brew --prefix llvm@18

    Output: /usr/local/opt/llvm@18

  4. Add the vesion LLVM to the system path:

    # Replace @18 with the required version
    path_update='export PATH="$(brew --prefix llvm@18)/bin:$PATH"' 
    echo $path_update >> ~/.zshrc && echo $path_update >> ~/.profile
  5. Open a new terminal window to reload the environment

  6. Check that the installation of LLVM was done correctly by checking the clang version

    clang --version
  7. Install XCode from the App Store

  8. Reset the XCode config:

    xcodebuild -runFirstLaunch
  9. Add WebAssembly target

    rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
  10. Install Radix Engine Simulator and command-line tools

    cargo install --force radix-clis@1.3.0

macOS Command line tools

  1. Remove command line tools
    sudo rm -rf /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
  2. Reinstall command line tools
    xcode-select install

After Installing Scrypto

You have now successfully installed the Scrypto toolchain and can start writing your own Scrypto code. To do that you we advise you use an IDE/code-editor

Setting up Your IDE/Code Editor

An IDE, which stands for Integrated Development Environment, is like a text editor, but with added features to help you while programming. For writing Scrypto code you will need to install an IDE with rust support (because Scrypto is built on top of Rust). We recommend Visual Studio Code where there are rust and Radix Developer Tools extensions to assist.

Visual Studio Code

To set up Visual Studio Code:

  1. Start by installing VS Code by following the download and install instructions.

  2. Install the rust-analyzer and Radix Developer Tools extensions. This will give you syntax highlighting and code suggestion while you write your Scrypto code and manifests:

    • Open VS Code

    • Click on the extension icon on the left panel


    • Search for "rust-analyzer"

    • Click on install

    Screenshot 2024-11-05 at 11.37.37.png

    • Search for "Radix Developer Tools"

    • Click on install

    Screenshot 2024-11-05 at 11.41.49.png

You are now ready to start writing your first Scrypto blueprint.

What Should You do Next?

If your not sure what to do after installing scrypto have a look at our Learning Step-by-Step to learn how to start making Scrypto packages and dapps.

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