Updating Scrypto
  • 31 Oct 2024
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Updating Scrypto

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Article summary

Updating Scrypto to the latest version

When a new version of Scrypto is released, it is recommended to update your toolchain to benefit from the latest changes. To update to the latest version, follow these steps:

  1. Open a terminal, or PowerShell if you are on Window

  2. Install the required Rust compiler and set it as default

    rustup default <rust-version>
  3. Reinstall the Radix CLIs with:

    cargo install --force radix-clis
  4. Reset your simulator with:

    resim reset

Updating existing projects

When updating an existing project, to recompile with all the latest updates:

  1. delete the existing Cargo.lock file

  2. run cargo clean

  3. run scrypto build

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