Test a Multi-Blueprint Package
  • 27 Jun 2024
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Test a Multi-Blueprint Package

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The last section introduced us to testing blueprints. It's now time to apply those lessons to a more complex blueprint package; our familiar favourite, the Candy Store. This will show us how to test larger packages with multiple blueprints and methods.

We'll add tests to the version of the Candy Store and Gumball Machine blueprints we created in the Create Owned Components section.

The scrypto package referenced in this section can be found in our official examples here.


Testing the Candy Store Package

We can have multiple test files for a Scrypto package by placing them in the tests/ directory. We've done this with the separate modules of our package which each have their own test files, tests/candy_store.rs and tests/gumball_machine.rs.

To import the modules into their test files we need to add the pub keyword to module exports in /src/lib.rs. This makes them accessible for testing:

pub mod candy_store;
pub mod gumball_machine;

The two modules in the package are nicely separated in ways that make a different testing approach preferable for each. The gumball_machine module is a good candidate for unit testing, while the candy_store module is better for integration testing.

Unit Testing the Gumball Machine Module

Most of the logic of our package is in the gumball_machine module. To test it we use the Scrypto-Test framework to write unit tests.

First we add the scrypto-test, radix-engine-interface crates to the Cargo.toml file dev-dependencies, as well as candy-store itself with the test feature:

# --snip--
scrypto-test = { git = "https://github.com/radixdlt/radixdlt-scrypto", tag = "v1.1.1" }
radix-engine-interface = { git = "https://github.com/radixdlt/radixdlt-scrypto", tag = "v1.1.1" }
candy-store = { path = ".", features = ["test"] }

Then we add the required imports to tests/gumball_machine.rs:

use radix_engine_interface::prelude::*;
use scrypto::this_package;
use scrypto_test::prelude::*;

use candy_store::gumball_machine::test_bindings::*;

We can now write tests for the gumball_machine module. We'll start with a helper function to arrange the test environment:

fn arrange_test_environment(
    price: Decimal,
) -> Result<(TestEnvironment, GumballMachine), RuntimeError> {
    let mut env = TestEnvironment::new();
    let package_address = Package::compile_and_publish(this_package!(), &mut env)?;

    let (gumball_machine, _owner_badge) =
        GumballMachine::instantiate_global(price, package_address, &mut env)?;

    Ok((env, gumball_machine))

This function creates a new TestEnvironment, compiles and publishes the package, and instantiates a GumballMachine with the given price. It exits to stop us needing to repeat code as we can use this as part or all of the setup for the tests that follow.

The first test checks that the GumballMachine can be instantiated, by just running our helper function. If it doesn't panic, the test passes.

fn can_instantiate_gumball_machine() -> Result<(), RuntimeError> {
    let (_env, _gumball_machine) = arrange_test_environment(dec!(1))?;

After this, the rest of our unit tests follow a similar pattern. With clear arrange, act, and assert sections. For example, we can test that the GumballMachine can be refilled:

fn can_refill_gumball_machine() -> Result<(), RuntimeError> {
    // Arrange
    let (mut env, mut gumball_machine) = arrange_test_environment(dec!(10))?;

    let payment = BucketFactory::create_fungible_bucket(XRD, dec!(100), Mock, &mut env)?;
    let _ = gumball_machine.buy_gumball(payment, &mut env)?;

    // Act
    gumball_machine.refill_gumball_machine(&mut env)?;

    // Assert
    let status = gumball_machine.get_status(&mut env)?;
    assert_eq!(status.amount, dec!(100));


Here we;

  1. arrange the environment and gumball machine with our helper function, the
    BucketFactory to create a payment bucket and buy a gumball,
  2. act by refilling the gumball machine,
  3. and assert that the amount of gumballs in the machine is now back to 100.
Bucket Factories

BucketFactory is a part of the scrypto-test framework, used to create buckets for testing.

Integration Testing the Candy Store Module

As the candy_store module is the globalised part of the package, any transaction manifests addressing the package will interact with a Candy Store component (or blueprint when instantiating a component) first. As it's the entry point for all method calls it's much better suited to integration testing than the gumball_machine module.

The Scrypto Test Runner works by generating and running transaction manifests, so it too is ideal for integration testing. To use it in the tests/candy_store.rs file we first need to add the scrypto-unit and radix-engine-interface crates to the Cargo.toml file dev-dependencies:

# --snip---
scrypto-unit = { git = "https://github.com/radixdlt/radixdlt-scrypto", tag = "v1.1.1" }
# --snip---
radix-engine-interface = { git = "https://github.com/radixdlt/radixdlt-scrypto", tag = "v1.1.1" }

Then we add the required imports to tests/candy_store.rs:

use radix_engine_interface::prelude::*;
use scrypto::this_package;
use scrypto_test::prelude::*;
use scrypto_unit::*;

We can then start to write our test with a LedgerSimulator (simulated ledger for testing) created with LedgerSimulatorBuilder:

    let mut ledger = LedgerSimulatorBuilder::new().build();

Any test we write will need to emulate the way we interact with the Candy Store on the Radix network, publishing the package, using it to instantiate a CandyStore and then calling methods on them with transaction manifests. you can see some of this demonstrated at the start of the test:

// Create a new account with associated public and private keys.
    let (public_key, _private_key, account_address) = ledger.new_allocated_account();

    // Compile and publish the CandyStore blueprint package.
    let package_address = ledger.compile_and_publish(this_package!());

    // ----------------- Instantiate the CandyStore -----------------
    // Build a manifest to instantiate the CandyStore, including initial price argument.
    let gumball_price = dec!(10);
    let manifest = ManifestBuilder::new()

    // Execute the manifest, obtaining a transaction receipt.
    let receipt = ledger.execute_manifest(

        "instantiate_candy_store Transaction Receipt:\n{}",

    // Assert that the transaction commits successfully
    // If the transaction is unsuccessful, the test will fail here

The LedgerSimulator has various methods to arrange and execute in the simulated ledger, like new_allocated_account() and execute_manifest while the ManifestBuilder is used to create transaction manifests inside a rust file. These allow us to test a variety of interactions with the Candy Store and be sure that none will fail. Have a closer look at the file to see more of how this works.

Using Candy Store Tests

Running tests on this package is simple just follow the instructions here in our Official Examples on GitHub

Closing thoughts

This section shows how to test a Scrypto package with both unit and integration tests, but there's room for more thorough testing even here. We could add more tests to cover more edge cases and check for where we should see more failed transactions rather than just successful ones. There is also a lot of repeated code in these tests, which is useful to see how they work but could be reduced with helper functions. scrypto-unit and scrypto-test are powerful tools for testing Scrypto packages, and it's worth exploring the documentation more to see what else it can do.

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