Explain Your First Scrypto Project
  • 23 May 2024
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Explain Your First Scrypto Project

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Article summary

After using the Hello package in Run Your First Scrypto Project I'm sure you'll want to better understand what you just did. We give you a full explanation below, where you'll get a more of a taste for of how asset-oriented programming with Scrypto for DeFi works.

You can find the Hello package code discussed here on github, or by simply creating a new package with scrypto new-package <PACKAGE_NAME>.

The Hello package is a simple one blueprint package. The Scrypto component it creates gives out a Hello Token whenever it's free_token method is called.


File Structure

For every new Scrypto package, there are three main files/folders:

  • The src folder, which contains all the source code;
  • The test folder, which contains all the test code;
  • The Cargo.toml configuration file. Cargo is the default package manager for Scrypto. It downloads all the dependencies, compiles source code, and makes a binary executable. This file specifies the dependencies and compile configuration.


In the src folder, there is a lib.rs file, which contains our blueprint code.

Components, Blueprints and Packages

A blueprint is the code that defines a single working part of our application. When it is instantiated it becomes an interactive component running in the Radix Engine.

One or multiple blueprints grouped together, ready to be instantiated are a package.

We only have one blueprint in the package called Hello, which defines:

  1. The state structure of all Hello components; a single vault. A vault is a container for resources;
  2. A function instantiate_hello, which instantiates a Hello component;
  3. A method free_token, which returns a bucket of HelloToken (from the
    component vault) when called.
use scrypto::prelude::*;

mod hello {
    // 1. The state structure of all `Hello` components
    struct Hello {
        sample_vault: Vault,

    impl Hello {
        // 2. A function which instantiates a `Hello` component
        pub fn instantiate_hello() -> Global<Hello> {
            // --snip--

        // 3. A method which returns a bucket of `HelloToken` when invoked
        pub fn free_token(&mut self) -> Bucket {
            // --snip--

1. Defining Component Structure

    struct Hello {
        // A vault to store resources
        sample_vault: Vault,

Every blueprint must start with a struct defining what is stored where in the component. The struct has the same name as the blueprint.

2. Instantiating a Component from a Package

    pub fn instantiate_hello() -> Global<Hello> {
        // --snip--

Blueprints need to have instantiate functions so they can be used to create components. This is usually named starting with instantiate_ or new_. In our case the function is instantiate_hello()

Resource Creation #

When a Hello component is instantiated, so is an initial supply of HelloToken resources.


In Scrypto, assets like tokens and non-fungibles are not implemented as blueprints or components. Instead, they are types of resources that are configured and requested directly from the system.

To create a new resource, we:

  1. Use the ResourceBuilder to create a new fungible resource;
  2. Specify the number of decimal places the resource can be divided into;
  3. Specifying the resource metadata, like name and symbol;
  4. Specifying the initial supply of the resource.
// 1. Define a new fungible resource with ResourceBuilder
let my_bucket: Bucket = ResourceBuilder::new_fungible(OwnerRole::None)
    // 2. Set the max number of decimal places to 18
    // 3. Set the metadata
        init {
            "name" => "Hello Token", locked;
            "symbol" => "HT", locked;
    // 4. Create the initial supply

Buckets & Vaults #


A bucket is a temporary container for resources.

When a resource is created, it is in a bucket. As buckets only exist to move resources around we have to:

  1. Put the new resources in a vault.
    // 5. Put the new resources in a vault
    sample_vault: Vault::with_bucket(my_bucket),

A vault is a permanent container for resources and where resources must be stored.

Instantiation #

Finally, we can instantiate a Hello component by:

  1. Calling instantiate
  2. Making the component available in the network by calling globalize
Self {
        sample_vault: Vault::with_bucket(my_bucket),
    // 6. Instantiate the component
    // 7. Make the component available in the network

(The OwnerRole is explained in Give the Gumball Machine an Owner)

This completes the instantiate_hello function which creates a new HelloToken definition with an initial supply of 1000, stores the 1000 tokens inside a state struct and instantiates a new component from that state.

3. Component Methods

    pub fn free_token(&mut self) -> Bucket {
            // --snip--

Methods can only be called on instantiated components, not blueprints. Our Hello component has one method,
free_token, which first logs the component's token balance then returns a HelloToken.

Logs are explained more in the Logging section of these docs. free_token uses the info! macro for logging:

        "My balance is: {} HelloToken. Now giving away a token!",

The method then returns a bucket of one token, ready to transfer to another component or account:

    // Return 1 HelloToken, taken from the vault

The lack of ; at the end of the line means that the result of the last expression is returned from the method. This also applies to the instantiate_hello function where the component is returned.

Wrapping Up

That's it! You now know how the Hello package works. The information here is the foundation for the rest of this learning journey. The next step is to Create Your First Custom Resource. Where we look in more detail at metadata, why to change it and how.

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