Assign Roles To Methods
  • 07 Nov 2023
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Assign Roles To Methods

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Article summary

Methods, unlike functions, use roles to further structure how AccessRules are assigned.

Roles and the methods each role may access are defined statically for each blueprint. This means that every component of a given blueprint will have the same role/method structure as every other component of the same blueprint.

Use the Owner Role and Self Role

Every component will always have an Owner Role and a Self Role. The Owner Role is a role which must be defined for every component instantiation. The Self Role is a special role which refers to the component itself.

To only allow a subset of methods to be accessed by the owner or self role use the enable_method_auth! macro at the top of your blueprint code:

mod my_token_sale {
    enable_method_auth! {
        methods { // #1
            buy => PUBLIC; // #2
            create_admin => restrict_to: [OWNER, SELF]; // #3
            change_price => restrict_to: [OWNER];
            redeem_profits => restrict_to: [OWNER];

    struct MyTokenSale { .. }
    impl MyTokenSale {
        pub fn buy(&mut self) { .. }
        pub fn create_admin(&mut self) { .. }
        pub fn change_price(&mut self) { .. }
        pub fn redeem_profits(&mut self) { .. }
  1. Each pub method in impl MyTokenSale { .. } must be assigned which roles may access it. Non-pub methods are never accessible.

  2. Use PUBLIC to allow anyone to call a method. In this case, buy may be called by anyone().

  3. Use restrict_to to specify which roles may call a method. In this case, create_admin is restricted to callers who can prove they have the OWNER role, or the component itself (SELF).

Use Custom Roles

Each blueprint may also define it’s own custom roles to have greater control of authorization. To do so, add roles to the enable_method_auth! macro:

mod my_token_sale {
    enable_method_auth! {
        roles {
            super_admin_role => updatable_by: []; // #1
            admin_role => updatable_by: [super_admin_role];
        methods {
            buy => PUBLIC;
            create_admin => restrict_to: [super_admin]; // #2
            change_price => restrict_to: [admin, super_admin];
            redeem_profits => restrict_to: [OWNER];

    struct MyTokenSale { .. }
    impl MyTokenSale {
        pub fn buy(&mut self) { .. }
        pub fn create_admin(&mut self) { .. }
        pub fn change_price(&mut self) { .. }
        pub fn redeem_profits(&mut self) { .. }
  1. Each custom role is associated with a set of roles which specify which roles may update the conditions of that role. In this case, super_admin_role has an empty set effectively setting it’s AccessRules to be immutable once defined. The admin_role on the other hand may be updated by the super_admin_role.

  2. Custom roles may then be used when defining which roles a method may be accessed by.

Ignore Auth and Create a Fully Public Blueprint

It may be that Auth is unnecessary for your blueprint and that every method should be accessible by everyone. In this case, NOT including enable_method_auth! macro makes every method public.

mod my_faucet {
    struct MyFaucet { .. }
    impl MyFaucet {
        pub fn take(&mut self) { .. } // #1
  1. Since enable_method_auth! is not used the take method is callable by anyone

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