  • 06 Dec 2023
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Article summary

Curious about what's in the pipeline?  You've come to the right place!

The Radix technical roadmap provides a high-level view of what's planned for the assorted parts of the network and surrounding products.

You'll see that each area is broken down into sub-pages which cover different topics:

  • Milestones pages describe notable upcoming releases or big features, many of which require significant implementation effort and have complex dependencies and impact on other parts of the stack. Milestones are always ordered in predicted release order, with the top item expected soonest.

  • Underway pages give insight into what the associated product teams are working on right now. They're your best source to find out what's coming in the near future.  Items on these pages are not ordered; they show an unsorted list of things which are currently top-of-mind or in progress.

  • Backlog pages contain an assortment of ideas and features, categorized by how urgent they are currently viewed.  Items within each category are not sorted by priority.

The roadmap is by no means an exhaustive list of every minor feature, nor does it call out day-to-day development activities.  Sections will be updated periodically as work items complete or when priorities shift.

If you don't see a particular product feature appearing in any of its sub-pages, or you think a feature deserves higher priority than is currently shown, the absolute best way to argue your point is to provide your complete use case, either in Discord or by emailing with the details.

This video explains the rationale behind the roadmap, and answers some common questions:

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