Assign Function AccessRules
  • 07 Nov 2023
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Assign Function AccessRules

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Article summary

To specify the access rules for each function use the enable_function_auth! macro at the top of your blueprint code.


If the enable_function_auth! macro is not used that all functions will default to rule!(allow_all) AccessRule.

mod my_token_sale {
    enable_function_auth! { // #1
        create_component => rule!(allow_all); // #2
        create_special_component => rule!(require(XRD)); // #3

    struct MyTokenSale { .. }
    impl MyTokenSale {
        pub fn create_component() -> Global<MyTokenSale> { .. }
        pub fn create_special_component() -> Global<MyTokenSale> { .. }
  1. Each pub function in impl MyTokenSale { .. } must be assigned an AccessRule if the enable_function_auth! macro is used. Non-pub functions are never accessible.

  2. rule!(allow_all) specifies that anyone may call the create_component function

  3. rule!(require(XRD)) specifies that only a caller who has a proof of XRD in their AuthZone may call the create_special_component function

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