Worked example 3: Tracking deposits to specific account
  • 03 Jul 2024
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Worked example 3: Tracking deposits to specific account

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Article summary


As mentioned in the Transaction Results section, there is no such thing as a user “transaction type” such as a “transfer” - all transactions make use of a transaction manifest, and could do anything, such as call DeFi components. Instead - we encourage you to think about the transaction’s resultant balance changes. For example, a transaction where account X gains 200 XRD could be interpreted as a transfer to account X.

By using the /core/lts/stream/account-transaction-outcomes you can filter the transaction stream to only transactions which somehow referenced the given account address.

For each account you are tracking, store a last_state_version and poll this endpoint from that state version - updating the last_state_version if a new transaction is returned.

You can then read out any relevant fungible balance changes from that transaction, possibly filtering to balance changes under the given account.


A transaction may reference an account, but might not have any fungible balance changes in the transaction. EG if a NF resource was deposited to the account. This may result in the transaction appearing in this feed under an account, without it having any fungible balance changes against that account.

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