Entity Metadata
  • 13 Jun 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Entity Metadata

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Article summary

Metadata can be added against any global entity, either at creation time, or later using the metadata module’s metadata_set role.

Metadata consists of key-value pairs, where the key is a string (max length 100), and the value either a single value, or a list of values, or a given entity datatype (the value has a max total length of ~4000 bytes).

There is a metadata standard of common metadata entries which should be considered when configuring an entity of a given type. We also recommend that you configure an OwnerRole on any created components or resources so that you can update the metadata in future, if new rules or functionalities are added to the standard.

Entity datatypes

The supported entity datatypes are detailed below.

Each entry value can be either a singleton of a given type, or a list of the same data type. The Singleton Id and List Id columns are the Enum variants of the data type which you may see in the manifest for the given data type.

Type: String

Singleton Id: 0u8

List Id: 128u8

Description: A String of text.


.metadata(metadata! {
    init {
        "name" => "Component name", locked;
        "description" => "Some description", locked;
        "tags" => ["DEX", "radiswap"], locked;

Type: Bool

Singleton Id: 1u8

List Id: 129u8

Description: A boolean value.


.metadata(metadata! {
    init {
        "is_enabled" => true, updatable;

Type: U8

Singleton Id: 2u8

List Id: 130u8

Description: A byte (u8 value).


.metadata(metadata! {
    init {
        "some_byte" => 3u8, fixed;

Type: U32

Singleton Id: 3u8

List Id: 131u8

Description: A 32-bit unsigned integer.


.metadata(metadata! {
    init {
        "some_u32" => 3u32, fixed;

Type: U64

Singleton Id: 4u8

List Id: 132u8

Description: A 64-bit unsigned integer.


.metadata(metadata! {
    init {
        "some_u64" => 3u64, fixed;

Type: I32

Singleton Id: 5u8

List Id: 133u8

Description: A 32-bit signed integer.


.metadata(metadata! {
    init {
        "some_i32" => 3i32, fixed;

Type: I64

Singleton Id: 6u8

List Id: 134u8

Description: A 64-bit signed integer.


.metadata(metadata! {
    init {
        "some_i64" => 3i64, fixed;

Type: Decimal

Singleton Id: 7u8

List Id: 135u8

Description: A Decimal value.


.metadata(metadata! {
    init {
        "pi" => dec!("3.145"), fixed;

Type: Address

Singleton Id: 8u8

List Id: 136u8

Description: Any global address.


.metadata(metadata! {
    init {
        "claimed_entities" => [
        ], mutable;
        "dapp_definitions" => [
        ], fixed;
        "friend" => component_3,

Type: PublicKey

Singleton Id: 9u8

List Id: 137u8

Description: A public key.


.metadata(metadata! {
    init {
        "keys" => [
        ], mutable;

Type: NonFungibleGlobalId

Singleton Id: 10u8

List Id: 138u8

Description: A non fungible global id (resource address + local non fungible id).


.metadata(metadata! {
    init {
        "badge" => NonFungibleGlobalId::new(
        ), fixed;

Type: NonFungibleLocalId

Singleton Id: 11u8

List Id: 139u8

Description: A non fungible local id.


.metadata(metadata! {
    init {
        "ids" => [
            NonFungibleLocalId::ruid([1; 32]).unwrap(),
        ], updatable;

Type: Instant

Singleton Id: 12u8

List Id: 140u8

Description: An instant in time (represented as seconds since Unix epoch).


.metadata(metadata! {
    init {
        "last_updated" => Instant {
            seconds_since_unix_epoch: 1687446137,
        }, updatable;

Type: Url

Singleton Id: 13u8

List Id: 141u8

Description: A url to a web-based page or image.


.metadata(metadata! {
    init {
        "info_url" => Url::of("https://tokens.radixdlt.com"), fixed;
        "icon_url" => Url::of("https://assets.radixdlt.com/icons/icon-xrd-32x32.png"), fixed;

Type: Origin

Singleton Id: 14u8

List Id: 142u8

Description: An origin - ie the scheme, host and port of a URL. Used by browsers to define a distinct security context for web security. This is used to verify a two-way trusted link between a dApp on-ledger and an origin. See the metadata standard for more information.


.metadata(metadata! {
    init {
        "claimed_websites" => [
        ], mutable;

Origin metadata value

Note that claimed_websites array values should not end with /. A / at the end of the url will cause an invalid origin error.

Type: PublicKeyHash

Singleton Id: 15u8

List Id: 143u8

Description: A public key hash (the final 29 bytes of the Blake2b hash of the key bytes). This is effectively the content of a virtual account / identity address.


.metadata(metadata! {
    init {
        "key_hashes" => [
        ], mutable;

Configuring metadata roles

Metadata functionality lives on the "Metadata Module" of global entities. It has a number of roles, which all default to the entity’s Owner if the roles section isn’t filled in.

A more complicated scrypto example setting these roles is given here:

.metadata(metadata! {
    roles {
        metadata_locker => rule!(allow_all);
        metadata_locker_updater => rule!(allow_all);
        metadata_setter => OWNER;
        metadata_setter_updater => rule!(deny_all);
    init {
        "some_key" => "string_value", updatable;
        "empty_locked" => EMPTY, locked;

Updating and locking metadata

Once created, metadata will typically be updated from the manifest, using the metadata module’s metadata_setter role. Updatable metadata can also be locked with the metadata_locker role. As noted above, both of these roles will fallback to the entity’s owner if not explicitly provided. So typically you will need to prove you’re the entity’s owner to update metadata.

Example manifests which cover metadata are here:

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