Curves, Keys, Signatures and Hashing
  • 03 Jul 2024
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Curves, Keys, Signatures and Hashing

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Article summary

The Babylon Radix network supports ECDSA Secp256k1 and Ed25519 for accounts and transaction signing.

The Babylon Radix network uses Blake2b-256 as its primary hashing mechanism - but integrators should not need to use Blake2b themselves for transaction signing. Instead, the (offline) Radix Engine Toolkit provides you with the hash to sign.

If using Secp256k1:

  • Signatures should be serialized as recoverable signatures of 65 bytes, with the recovery byte first, as: v || r || s

    • There isn’t a de-facto convention for serialization of compact Secp256k1 signatures.
    • On Olympia, DER/ASN.1 was used - the above format for Babylon is different - and more compact.
    • Note that some libraries (such as libsecp256k1) have their own compact serialization and a few serialize it as reverse(r) || reverse(s) || v - an example of the conversion of this format into the Radix format is here and we have some test vectors here for optionally testing your serialization.
  • The public key is encoded as the standard 33-byte encoding for compressed Secp256k1 public keys (X coordinate and the sign byte)

If using Ed25519:

  • Note that the message you sign will be the relevant transaction hash. As part of signing, Ed25519 will first use SHA-512 on this hash before signing with Curve25519. Typically this will happen implicitly, but some implementations require you using SHA-512 manually first.
  • The signature is encoded as the standard 64-byte encoding for Ed25519 signatures.
  • The public key is encoded as the standard 32-byte encoding for Ed25519 public keys.

We have some test vectors here for verification of public key and signature serialization.

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