Coverage tool
  • 07 Aug 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Coverage tool

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Article summary

Scrypto coverage tool allows you to check the test coverage of your blueprint code by running the tests with instrumented wasm file.


Scrypto coverage is supported since Scrypto v1.2.0.

Follow this guide for installation.


Currently, the supported environment is Linux amd64 with
Rust 1.81.0-nightly.

To install the specific rust version, run rustup install nightly-2024-07-18-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.

How to run

Inside you blueprint folder, execute command scrypto coverage.

It will compile the package, run tests, and generate a HTML report in coverage/report folder.

Example report

Example code coverage report

Additionally, source of all analyzed files can be viewed. All lines which were not visited during tests execution are marked. More information about interpreting report data can be found here.

Step by step instructions

Running coverage tool

You can follow the following steps to run coverage on example blueprint:

  1. Install Radix CLI tools:
cargo install --force radix-clis@1.2.0
  1. Create a test package
scrypto new-package hello
  1. Run coverage tool:
cd hello
RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN=nightly-2024-07-18 scrypto coverage

Environment setup

Clean OS using Docker

Following instruction will prepare clean OS using Docker image (alternatively local instance of Linux can be used):

  1. Pull new image and get its ID:
docker pull ubuntu:mantic
docker images
  1. Start a container (replace <IMAGE ID> tag with value obtained from step 1) and get its ID:
docker run -t -d <IMAGE ID>
docker ps -a
  1. Login into the container (replace <CONTAINER ID> tag with value obtained from step 2):
docker exec -i -t <CONTAINER ID> /bin/bash

Dependency installation

  1. Install required packages
apt-get update
apt install build-essential llvm cmake clang
 wget curl git
  1. Install Rust compiler
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
source $HOME/.cargo/env
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
  1. Install supported Rust toolchain (Rust 1.81.0-nightly)
rustup install nightly-2024-07-18
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain nightly-2024-07-18
  1. Install supported llvm version, for Rust 1.81.0-nightly it is version 18:
apt install lsb-release wget software-properties-common gnupg
bash -c "$(wget -O - 18)"
apt install llvm-18
  1. Now you can go to Running Coverage Tool instruction.

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